Unwind Stiffness, Stress, Pain, and Improve Mobility with Somatics & Somatic Yoga.

Reconnect and explore movement with a blend of Hanna Somatics, Gentle Yoga, breathing techniques, visualizations, and meditation.

Moving to Feel

Somatics is a method for reawakening the mind's control of movement, flexibility, and health. By bridging slow, subtle movement, gentle breath practices, and relaxation techniques together. You can access greater awareness, curiosity, and compassion for yourself. You can then safely start to uncover movement patterns, habitual holding, and contraction within. This exploration allows your body to self-correct and release persistent stress-based patterns.

Movement Unique to You

Somatic Yoga is intended to be nourishing and pleasurable. Attention is directed toward your internal experience instead of alignment and aesthetics. It is tailored to your specific needs, making the practice inclusive and accessible for all bodies. You will be met right where you’re at. And depending on your needs, you can start the practice from the floor, a chair, or even from the comfort of your own bed.

Group Somatic Yoga Classes

Join me for a FREE Somatic Yoga class each Wednesday from 10:00 am - 11:00 am PST via Zoom

Learn more about the morning class

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What Is Somatic Movement & Somatic Yoga?

Hanna Somatic Education®, developed by Thomas Hanna, is a rapidly effective form of neuromuscular (mind-body training) movement re-education that goes directly to the root cause of most chronic muscular pain: the brain and the way in which it senses and organizes muscles and movement. By learning to regain awareness, sensation, and motor control of muscles—the brain can remember how to relax and move the muscles properly. This process of sensory-motor training creates improved muscle function and enhanced sensory awareness.

Somatic Yoga, developed by Eleanor Criswell Hanna, is a unique approach to yoga that blends somatics (mind-body integration), Hatha yoga, and Raja yoga (Patanjali's yoga). It is based on the principles of somatics, yoga, neuroscience (especially the somatic nervous system), applied psychophysiology, and psychology.

*Somatics and Somatic Yoga can be a supportive compliment for a wide range of issues relating to Motor Sensory Amnesia including:

Some of the benefits Somatics and Somatic Yoga can create:

  • freedom of movement.

  • happiness and peace of mind

  • Improved physical fitness and athletic skills

  • improved fascial health, immunity, and overall body and mind integrity

  • increased mental clarity and focused thinking

  • increased mobility

  • more resilience and ability for self-healing

  • nervous system regulation and reduced pain sensitivity

  • reduced fatigue and improved sleep

  • reduced symptoms of physical and mental stress

*it's important to note that consulting a medical doctor or healthcare professional is essential for specific medical conditions or concerns. Somatic practices can be a supportive compliment but should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. Always prioritize discussing any medical conditions or concerns with a qualified healthcare provider.


A Somatic Yoga Session

Each somatic yoga session is a 90-minute exploration through movement with a blend of gentle Hatha Yoga, Hanna Somatics, Somatic Yoga, Pranayama (breathing techniques), visualizations, and meditation. The practice is ideal for unwinding stiffness, pain, and postural imbalances, and increases stability and flexibility through brain-to-muscle re-education.

4 Week Somatic Yoga Program

Because this practice is cumulative, it is recommended that you commit to four sessions and reevaluate as your program progresses. Somatics’ goal is to move you toward your own self-care program!

What to Expect During a Session?

Nicole will work with you to help you develop a more accurate sense of your body, and recondition your muscle control.

90-minute individual private sessions designed for your whole body pattern, where you are guided through movements that release and repatterns contracted areas of the body, strengthen weak ones, and improve coordination.

You’ll be given specific movement exercises at home designed to continue your improvement, help prevent the recurrence of problems, and are the key to long-term results.

Somatic Yoga Group Classes

In addition to private individual classes tailored to your needs, you can join us every Wednesday for a Somatic Yoga Group Class! Learn more about the class here.

We come together as a group to let go of reflexive patterns held in our bodies by slowing down and becoming exquisitely sensitive to what’s happening from the inside out. Practicing this way allows us to come into a better relationship with our bodies and opens us up to more freedom and joy in all the layers of our being. It is gentle and accessible and the benefits can be experienced after just one class.

Come join us! Sign up for the newsletter to get updates about the class.

Let’s chat. Schedule a15 minute discovery call to see if we’re a good fit to work together.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.